Following government advice, the DWH team will be working remotely until further notice to prevent the spread of COVID-19. We see this as an essential part of our corporate responsibility, and nothing is more important to us than the safety of our staff, clients, and the public.

We are still fully operational and committed to providing a business-as-usual service to support our clients during this difficult time. By making use of virtual meeting tools such as Skype, Zoom and Google Hangouts, we can continue to meet with our clients in a safe yet personal manner, allowing us to better understand their needs.

The DWH team has been implementing remote working for a week already, giving us a chance to iron out the kinks, fix the technical issues and get accustomed to the new setup. We’re currently staving off cabin fever through endless cups of tea, Netflix-based lunch breaks and (for the lucky few) homeschooling the kids.

If you’re going through a difficult time with your business during the pandemic, please reach out to us via phone, email or Google Hangouts and we’ll do everything we can to help.

In these hard times, it’s important for small businesses to take care of each other. We are happy to provide more flexible options due to the uncertainty of the coming weeks, and will provide as much support as we can.

We’ll get through this together if we stay sensible and follow all necessary precautions, no matter how difficult they seem. The more careful we all are now, the quicker we can put the coronavirus pandemic behind us. Until then, DWH will continue to operate remotely for the foreseeable future.

Thank you to everyone for your continued support and understanding.

Stay safe, stay at home, and wash your hands!

The DWH team